• Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids Frequently Asked Questions

    Imagine this, someone with a hearing problem waits for seven long years before getting their hearing checked. That’s quite a long time. Shockingly, this is the reality for many people, and the main reason behind it is the fear of wearing a hearing aid and looking “old.” In this article, we have compiled a list […]

  • The Facts about Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline

    Hearing loss is associated with many risks that can significantly impede an individual’s quality of life. One such risk is a greater likelihood of cognitive decline experienced by people with hearing loss. This correlation is more pronounced among those with severe degrees of hearing loss. Although ear, nose, and throat specialists do not generally administer […]

  • Should I Be Using Q-Tips to Clean My Ears?

    It is a common practice for many people to keep cotton swabs, such as Q-tips, in their bathroom to clean out their ears. However, this seemingly vital task carries significant risks. The ear canal is a tender part of the body, and inserting cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into the ear, potentially causing damage […]

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