• Healthy Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

    The New Year is approaching fast, which means many of us are starting to make our resolutions for the upcoming year. Often time’s people vow to manage their money better, lose weight, exercise more, and so forth. However, rarely hearing resolutions, the idea of preserving one’s hearing, is on the list. The unfortunate truth is […]

  • Healthy Hearing 101: Earwax Blockage Symptoms and Tips

    Produced by glands in the ear canal, earwax (aka cerumen) helps protect your ears from water, microorganisms, dust, and other foreign particles. Earwax is beneficial to your ears and under normal circumstances does not require removal because your ears are self-cleaning. Old earwax moves through the ear canal naturally when we move our jaw, and […]

  • Your Ears and Throat: Natural Home Remedies for a Sore Throat

    It’s the season for the flu, colds, as well as for other infections, and for all of these conditions having a sore throat is a common symptom. A common condition, sore throats can be highly irritating and painful, affecting many aspects of your daily life. Having a sore throat can make it difficult to talk, […]

  • Love Dark Chocolate? Try Out this Delicious Healthy Holiday Hearing Recipe!

    With the holiday season in full swing, it’s common for many of us to attend parties and gatherings where there’s food, lots of food. Unfortunately, many of us put on a few extra pounds during this time of year, and while it may be satisfying at first, the long-term repercussions are not. For most, it’s […]

  • Are You a First Time Hearing Aid User? Helpful Tips for Getting Used to Hearing Aids

    For new hearing aid users, the whole experience at first can seem daunting and confusing. Especially if your hearing loss happened gradually over a span of several years. Using hearing aids for the first time can seem a bit disorientating, especially since many people are finally able to hear sounds that they haven’t heard in […]

  • Helpful Steps to Take to Have a Healthy Hearing Holiday Season

    With the seasons changing, the temperatures dropping, and the holidays coming, this time of year can be difficult for those with a hearing impairment. The holidays can be loud, as well as some of the outdoor activities we participate in during the winter months. The ice and snow add a layer of complexity to a […]

  • What Kind of Hearing Aid Accessories are Available?

    Many people rely on their hearing aids to assist them, but sometimes a hearing aid needs help in order function at its best. Accessories can be your hearing aid’s best friend but, choosing the right accessories can be complicated and confusing. In order to help, we have compiled a list of the most useful hearing […]

  • What’s Right for You? How to Choose an Audiologist

    When you have an issue with your hearing, or when it comes time for a hearing assessment, you go to an audiologist or hearing care professional. However, if this is your first time doing so, the process can feel daunting. Many people have fears or questions that they need to lay to rest, and may […]

  • Hearing Loss Tips for Halloween

    Millions of people look forward every year to Halloween, and why wouldn’t they? There’s costumes, candy, and trick or treating. However, since most of the festivities take place at dusk and at night, it can be challenging for those who are hearing impaired. The good news is that there is no reason to fear, here […]

  • What Can I Use to Protect My Hearing?

    Even though our ability to hear is something that many of us don’t want to lose, many abuse their ears on a constant basis. Unfortunately, it is natural that our ability to hear starts to decrease right after our teenage years, but it happens so gradually that many fail to notice. Also, noise-induced hearing loss […]

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